Top 3 Best Books On Trading Psychology

Top 3 Best Books On Trading Psychology

Here are my all time top three trading psychology books.

The Mental Game of Trading by Jared Tendler

Jared Tendler is a performance coach who originally began by coaching around poker but has over the years discovered that trading shares many of the characteristics of poker and changed his focus to that, probably because it is more lucrative.

Not only is it clear that Jared understands the psychology from a real world practitioner point of view, he also has a good clear framework in how to apply 5 stages of analysis to overcome these issues. These are:

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Best books on trading psychology

1. Describe the problem in detail

2. Explain why it makes sense that you have this problem

3. Show why this is wrong

4. Come up with a correction

5. Explain why this correction works

He then spends most of the book going through examples of this framework in various contexts.

I love the practicality of this approach and the widespread reach of Jared which mean I make it first on this list.

2. The Trader’s Path to Inner Wisdom by Ronal Shah

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